Sunday, July 24, 2011

Practice, Practice, Practice!

    The main skills that I have learned in this course have been thesis development (which I am still struggling with!) and being able to articulate what I've read in an analytic way. The essay writing have been very important for me. I need this sort of practice in order to become more clear in what I am writing. My goal for the future is to be more aware of my writing and be able to form solid thesis statements. In the past as well, this has been my weakness. I have a difficult time making a clear argument or claim. I tend to dance around the subject. This class has given me the tools needed and the awareness of how to write with a strong claim in mind.
    I thoroughly enjoyed the readings for this course. Last semester, I was briefly introduced to Tim O’Brien and was thrilled to now read his entire book. The other readings and poems for this class were also very good. I appreciate reading material that questions the deeper truths about humanity and is not afraid to delve into the mess of it all.
    I think that I have tried to meet many of the learning outcomes and have paid more attention to the skills that I thought I already knew, but realized was still making mistakes in. I was careful to follow a more organized approach to my writing process and improve the structure of my sentences. I also really benefited from the grammar reviews and quizzes. Also, analysis, analysis, analysis! Ever time I think I got this down, I find myself slipping into summary again. I will never stop needing practice in analysis. The peer review research was a really good practice for me. I struggled at first to find what I really thought fit well for my essays, but began to find good sources as I went on. I think it is important to use peer reviewed articles because It seems that the “facts” on the internet are so varied and in excess, it is hard to know what to trust.
    I don’t think that my writing has changed much yet, but I think that, because of this class, it will. I already have more tools to apply to future writing and the amount of writing I’ve done is a big help to the amount I still have to do in future classes. My biggest challenge was the essay #3 because It was hard for me to focus in on one claim and then feel confident to back up my claim. I also struggled with integrating the sources into my paper; rather I let them speak for me. Again, I absolutely needed this course to gain the writing skills and the practice that I did.
I found this specific page on the Owl web site helpful and reiterates what was learned in this course. Hope you find it helpful as well!
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  1. Autumn,

    Coming up with a thesis statement for Essay #3, was extremely difficult process for me because I just could not seem to put my thoughts into words. I have to agree, this course was very helpful in learning to develop strong thesis statements and Mrs. Cline’s video lectures sure helped.

    I have read your essay #3 and thought it was great. You did such a wonderful job proofreading my essay, that I had to read your essay to see where you are as a writer, I was impressed. It may not feel like you have grown as a writer, but in the next writing assignment you encounter, you’ll see it. By the way, thank you for the recommendation on a new source for my paper.


  2. Hi Autumn!
    I understand what you mean about the analysis turning into summary. I find myself doing the same thing as well. I think it will take much more than one semester to really pound that into our brains!
    I also found that the thesis can be a very difficult thing to master. I think that we, as writers, know what we are saying, but it is harder to get the point across to others. I find that often, when I go back and proof read, something won't make sense. My mind works faster than my fingers!
    Great job this semester, and have a good summer!

  3. I have problems summarizing too! I find myself wanting to tell the background before the analysis and it turns into one big summary. Every time I write I always have to keep reminding myself not to summarize. Your post caught my attention because you were so honest about it!

  4. Autumn,
    I agree with your statements wholeheartedly. I too found essay #3 to be the most difficult. With so many opinions regarding the war, I found it difficult to formulate a thesis and thread it through my paper. I still don't think I did :) but like you say its practice practice practice. I hope you enjoyed this class as much as I did. Good luck with your future writings.

